Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sleeping during daytime and the definition of Xie and Chi

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Sleeping during daytime and the definition of Xie and Chi

In Chinese medicine, body energy is defined as “Xie Chi”.

Xie meaning blood, and Chi meaning energy. Chinese medicine has a specific definition for blood as blood is tangible, but the definition for “Chi” or energy is rather abstract since Chi is not visible. When a person wakes up in the morning, he is feeling refreshed and full of energy. As the day progresses, the person loses the energy, or chi, and he becomes tired as the day approaches night time.Xie, or blood, is the most important element of the body.

Xie is the carrier of Chi. The more Xie that the body has, the more capacity that the body has to carry Chi. Human body generates Xie through quality sleeping. Sleep can also generate Chi, however the amount of Chi that sleep generates varies according to the sleep quality and the amount of Xie that the person has. The higher the quality of sleep, the higher amount of Xie that is present in the body, and the higher of Chi that can be stored.If a person had quality sleep the previous night, majority of the time that the person will feel refreshed or in Chinese medicine terms, full of Chi the next morning.

As the day progresses, after 4-6 hours of work, the person will feel fatigued as his body’s Chi diminishes. After lunch time, if the person takes a short nap, he will feel energized in the afternoon. Short nap is a good way to replenish Chi.

I have a friend who suffers from severe anemia. He also suffers from insomnia and as a result, he goes through the day feeling fatigued and drowsy. Many people have the idea that if they sleep too much during the day, they will not be able to fall sleep during the night. Yet often times this idea will make it harder for these people to sleep during proper hours. A good number of these people cannot fall asleep until way past midnight.In order to explain the above situation, let me explain the concept of body energy usage from the Chinese medicine point of view. The main energy source that the body uses is the Chi. The amount of Chi that the body has is defined as above.

When the body is low on Chi, it will generate backup energy, called “Gan Huo”. When a person feels fatigue, it means that the person’s Chi is low. If the person chooses not to rest at this point, his body will generate Gan Huo to fill the energy void of the body. In the above example, the people that felt fatigue during the time chooses to stay wake instead of resting. Their body will generate Gan Huo throughout the day. By night time, when the proper sleeping time arrives, their body is still filled with Gan Huo from earlier, thus making it difficult for these people to fall asleep, causing insomnia. Perhaps many people have had the experience of feeling tired early evening, but as the night progresses, the tiredness will fade away.The advice that I gave for my friend who suffers from anemia is that whenever his body feels fatigued, he should rest immediately. This eliminates the body from generating Gan Huo and it makes it easier for him to sleep at night. As a result, my friend took multiple naps during the day and his insomnia was cured as he fell asleep around 10pm and he slept until 6am the next day. Sometimes it is not necessary to use medicine to heal an illness. Understanding your body and having a healthy sleeping pattern are the first steps toward a healthy life style.

posted by Gary Wu 吳嘉維 @ 2:20 AM 6 comments

Monday, March 16, 2009

人体使用手册 - 吴清忠


http://alexwu2300.blogspot.com/ 是提供讀者提問及討論的空間.

http://garywu2005.blogspot.com/ ( English Version )

Useful Links:

I. Video clip 83 mins http://you.video.sina.com.cn/b/15456097-1504019363.html 吴清忠《人体使用手册》

II. 人体复原工程——人体使用手册2 http://product.dangdang.com/product.aspx?product_id=20213778  《人体复原工程》既是《人体使用手册》的完美续集,也是中医科学化的实践典范。是每个现代人必备的健康宝.

III English Version of blog 人体使用手册

Traditional Chinese
Author Name: 吳 清忠 Location: 台北市, Taiwan 多年以前,由於工作過於忙碌導致健康發生了問題,雖然沒有被醫生判定得了什麼絕症,但是,睡眠愈來愈不好,臉色愈來愈蒼白,體型愈來愈臃腫,體力愈來愈差,經常擔心自己得了什麼病,健康成為我最沒有信心的一環.一個偶然的機緣,我被中醫的神妙深深吸引,讓我放下手邊工作,全心鑽研這門極為有趣的科學. 感謝上蒼賜給我一連串很特別的機緣,讓我有機會學習到一套書本上學不來的知識和經驗,建構了一套比較合乎現代科學,現代人更容易理解的中醫體系,我也重拾了健康,健康的自信成為我最重要的資產。我很珍惜這份上蒼的賜予,更明白這不是我的私人資產,是上蒼賜給所有人共有的.願天下所有人都能和我一樣,充份擁有健康的自信.

http://alexwu2300.blogspot.com/ ( 吳清忠 blog)
View complete profile of 吳清忠



在最近的一次健康讲座上,吴清忠应忠实粉丝之邀示范“横膈膜按摩法” 住在香港沙田的好朋友曾冬沛先生,是一位很好的按摩师。他从西医解剖学中体悟出一套“横膈膜按摩法”:在一两分钟里改善许多肩颈的酸痛和呼吸不顺的症状。多做几次还能使这种酸痛消失,可以说是一种标本兼治的按摩方法。这个方法简单易学,我学会了之后帮助许多朋友迅速改善了长期困扰的问题。





user's manual for our Body -English Version

Chinese Medicine & Homeopathy

Many chronic diseases are caused by the wrongful usage of our body. What we need is not a miraculous drug or treatment, but a correct user's manual for our Body.




第四章 慢性病可以这样去治


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